Areas and Area Boundaries
In this page: What areas should our local councils or regional authorities cover? This page considers this question. It deals with the kinds of areas that local government structures can cover and the options for working out what the boundaries of these areas should be. It considers both traditional or identity-based boundaries, and boundaries based on […]
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Governance Structures: Who Exercises Power?
In this page: This page describes the different structures for decision-making in local government. Decision-making can involve ordinary citizens, elected politicians, and representatives of business, trade unions, and other groups. Structures within decisions can be made include traditional local councils, combined authorities (with and without mayors), regional assemblies, and direct democracy. These have varying implications for […]
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Policies: Which Issues Are Decided at Which Level?
In this page: One issue the assemblies will consider is what powers should be held by different levels of government. That involves two questions. The first is: Which issues should be decided nationally (by central government in London) and which should be decided more locally? What should ‘more locally’ mean (in current local authorities, larger […]
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