Full Report – Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit
The idea of organising a Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit was first floated in November 2016. The UK electorate had voted to leave the European Union, but the formal withdrawal process set out in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty had not yet been triggered. Big questions remained about the form
Summary Report – Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit
The Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit was held over two weekends in September 2017. It brought together 50 randomly selected citizens who reflected the diversity of the UK electorate. The Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit aims to provide much needed, robust public input into the Brexit process and show the value of
Political Insight – Citizens’ assemblies: a better way of doing democracy?
There is widespread disquiet over the quality of debate surrounding Brexit – both during last year’s referendum and since. But is there a better alternative? Alan Renwick reflects on lessons he learned from directing the recent Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit for Political Insight. Read full article