Politicians from seven parties call for citizens’ say over Britain’s constitution
For immediate release, 12th April 2016 Statement from the Electoral Reform Society on behalf of Democracy Matters Senior figures from all the main parties are coming together to call for citizens to have a greater say over the constitutional changes sweeping the UK. The high-profile politicians – including Dominic Grieve MP, Suzanne Evans and Caroline […]
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Assembly South Overview Report
Revitalising Democracy in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight The Report of Assembly South January 2016 Download the Assembly South Overview Report Contents Executive Summary Introduction The Background to Assembly South Why a Citizens’ Assembly? Why Devolution? Assembly South: Composition and Working Methods Who Participated in Assembly South? What Did Assembly South Do? Assembly South’s […]
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Solent citizens debate plans for Hampshire devolution, in UK’s first ‘Citizens’ Assembly’
But residents want devolution process to be opened up to the public Press release from the Democracy Matters project For immediate release, Monday 16th November, 12:00 For more details visit www.citizensassembly.co.uk Residents from Southampton, Portsmouth, Isle of Wight and surrounding areas take part in first ever ‘Citizens’ Assembly’ on local democracy and devolution deals Citizens […]
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Solent citizens to debate and vote on devolution deal
Press release and invitation to journalists from the Democracy Matters project For immediate release, Thursday 12th November, 12:30 For more details visit citizensassembly.co.uk Invitation to journalists: Journalists are invited to attend this weekend’s ‘Citizens’ Assembly’ in Southampton – the final weekend of a major new democratic initiative. Citizens from across the Solent area will debate […]
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The Hampshire and Isle of Wight proposals
Source: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership (2015). Devolution for the People of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight: A Prospectus for discussion with Government. Summary of page The 15 Councils, 2 Local Enterprise Partnerships and 2 National Park authorities in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (HIOW) have submitted a prospectus for devolution to the government […]
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The Greater Manchester Devolution Deal
Adapted from: House of Commons Library (2015). Devolution to local government in England. Summary of page Greater Manchester is leading the way in devolution in England It has had a Combined Authority (leaders of local councils) since 2011 It has an interim mayor – elections will take place in 2017 The government will devolve a […]
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Where does devolution policy come from?
Adapted from: House of Commons Library (2015). Devolution to local government in England. Following the ‘no’ vote in the September 2014 Scottish independence referendum, the Prime Minister announced proposals for additional devolution to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But he also said: It is also important we have wider civic engagement about how to improve […]
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Introduction to the briefing papers
This introduction was designed for the Assembly South participants. Congratulations on becoming a member of Assembly South! Over the next few weeks, you will get to debate some very important issues to do with how the Hampshire and Isle of Wight area will be governed in the future. The results of your discussions will be closely […]
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How Is Local Government Funded?
This page sets out how local government is funded in England today. Sources of local government funding Local councils have four main sources of funding: Central government grants Business rates Council tax Fees and charges There are also a wide range of additional central government grants for local bodies which sit outside local council control. […]
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Citizen Participation in Local Governance
This page gives a quick overview of different ways that local councils could involve citizens more regularly in the decision making process. It offers introductions to petitions, referendums, participatory budgeting and citizens’ assemblies. One of the criticisms of the current process of establishing Devolution Deals is that there is no involvement of local people. It is a […]
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