Trade: Free Trade Vs Protectionism
The Citizens’ Assembly is looking at what kind of trade arrangement the UK should seek with the EU. The debates can get quite detailed and confusing. But there is also a big question of principle: is free trade a good thing at all? Free Trade Vs. Protectionism: Overview One view says that we should make […]
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Trade: Issues to Consider Before Making Trade Policy
There are many issues that we can consider when looking at trade policy. Different people will care about different issues – there is no single right answer. Here are some of the issues you might think about. The Health of the Economy as a Whole The health of the economy affects everyone. It has an […]
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Trade: How can the UK trade after brexit?
The UK has to make decisions on two issues in relation to the future of trade: How do we want to trade with the EU after Brexit? How do we want to trade with countries outside the EU? At the moment, both of these matters are decided by our membership of the EU: How we […]
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Trade: How much does the UK trade?
The charts give you some numbers on trade. The first two charts give information on how much trade the UK does with the EU and with countries outside the EU. 1. UK exports to and imports from the EU and countries outside the EU, in billions of pounds The chart on the left shows how […]
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Trade: What are the Single Market, Customs Union and WTO rules?
The Single Market The Single Market aims to allow economic activity to take place across the EU without any barriers. All EU members are part of the Single Market. Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are also part of the Single Market, even though they are not EU members. The Single Market covers four aspects of economic […]
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Trade: How does Trade Work?
What is Trade? Trade is the buying and selling of products between countries. These products can be goods, such as food and electrical products, or services, such as education and banking. People and companies in the UK often trade with people and companies in other countries. For example, you might own a German washing machine. […]
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